[SC.LUG] ManLUG meetings for July 2003 and August 2003

Dr A V Le Blanc sc at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Jul 17 19:42:00 2003


ManLUG meetings for July 2003 and August 2003

21 June 2003, 14:00, in the usual place again, the Lascelles Williams
room on the ground floor of the Kilburn Building at the University
of Manchester.  (For more information, see our web site:
http://www.manlug.man.ac.uk, under 'How to find us'.)  Reminder:
Please bring a 'photo ID' to show the porters if you are asked.

     Networking Basics
     Simon Hobson

A fairly hands-on demonstration of the 'dirty' layers of networking, 
the hardware bits that are required to make it work. As is usual, 
I'll take a ramble through a bit of 'not so distant history' and 
'alphabet soup' of networking hardware, and then set up a small 
network.  I expect this to be interactive and I'll be calling for
volunteers from the audience to participate in demonstrations!

      Robert Morris's talk has had to be postponed, but
we can still have some discussion.  Also Grant Crawley is clearing
out some of his books and software, O'Reilly and other books.
These will be available at about half the usual cost, and the
software even cheaper.  Unfortunately, Grant is not able to come
himself, so you'll have to pay with cash or cheques: no credit
cards can be used..

August 16 2003, 14:00, usual place.

No definite talks for August, but some possibilities: I hope
I have time to pin the people down!

     -- Owen

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