[SC.LUG] Linux vs. Windows Viruses

Rick [Kitty5] rick at kitty5.com
Tue Oct 7 17:26:38 BST 2003

Greg Bolshaw wrote:
> "To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your
> Windows box, you just need to work on it, writes SecurityFocus
> columnist Scott Granneman."
> http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/56/33226.html

The risk of accidentally getting a virus or trojan on Linux is very minimal,
but that's not the issue that's motivating this article. The recent spate of
Windows worms could have happened on Linux. Email (with or without haphazard
users) may not be Linux's soft entry point as he correctly makes a big deal
out of, but that's not so say Linux can be assumed secure!

Its the things he simply omitted to mention that peg this as yet another
piece of anti MS FUD, the danger is all this 'talking up' Linux security
could come back to bite in a very bad way. It would only take the Linux
equivalent of nimda or the sql worm and we're back to square one, sat right
next to Microsoft feeling very sheepish.


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