[SC.LUG] New to list: Introduction and Questions: Modem troub

Richard Pineger sc at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Sep 1 14:14:00 2003

Well, this is a continuing saga.

The thing is... linux is all well and good, but you need to connect to the
internet to really get your teeth into it.

That's right... I can't get the modem to work... at least I couldn't, but, I
took out my modem card and examined it, found, downloaded and installed the
Contrex<sp?> drivers (does 'make install' recompile the kernel?), I set up
Kppp, crashed Kppp. Found that it was looking for the options file under the
wrong name. Tried again ... whirrr...beebly beebly bop....WORKING!

I can connect. Its taken me hours and hours but I can connect.

Does anyone know how to get pictures into the browser thingumy?

Rich :-)?

P.S. I'm running knoppix (based on Debian 2.4.20). I've installed HCF modem
drivers. I connect OK but can't get any pages off the Internet. I suspect it
is because I am not root user. Can anyone provide any pointers on where to
look in the configuration for connection between Kppp and the various