[SC.LUG] ping!

Richard Pineger sc at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Sep 19 11:09:00 2003

Ian Moulton said:
>We dont need a speaker to meet. please dont require one!

I think Ian is right. I'm bursting with questions for other people who are
keen on free software and linux. I've been living in splendid isolation with

One of the difficulties of linux is that it is big and scary so my mates
won't/can't come with me. In general people want to use a computer for the
thing they want to use it for. They aren't interested at all in the
operating system - and IMHO no one should have to be. Is there any way to
use Linux in that fashion?

Does anyone know anything about this Sun distro that Telstar are looking at?
