[SC.LUG] expanding lug?

Gareth Westwood gareth at wffsystems.co.uk
Wed Feb 4 12:28:46 GMT 2004


>>>>I refer to putting a mic in the hall and recording the actual sound from
>>>>the real instrument.
>>>Cool :)  Sorry.. heart skipped a beat there for a moment.  Was going to
>>>slam your fingers in my piano lid ;-)
>>Would that make more or less noise than slamming them in a synthersize
>>lid, and which would cause more pain. Would the louder one be less
>>painful because there was more of the kinetic energy diverted to making
>>the sound?
>Pmsl.  Quite.  However, if you're really lucky I can play Chopin's Etudes so
>sloly that time itself gives up causing zero mass energy around my strings
>thus sucking in several solar systems with it.  
?? Pmsl ?? That could help with one of my theories,  faster than light 
travel. Not using masive masive magnets but instead fit the starship 
westwood with a grand piano, some pickups, valve amps, big BIG speakers 
and  Mr Dwerryhouse.

Gareth Westwood
WFF Systems Ltd


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