[SC.LUG] Home wanted for old box and scanner

Simeon Farrington swfarrington at beeb.net
Sun Feb 29 17:26:35 GMT 2004

Hi all

Had an "urge to clear out" (translation, I'm revising and quite frankly 
everything is more interesting than the notes I need to learn) and I 
find in the cupboard a home-build Cyrix P233MX which was working last 
time I checked (it was my old mail/web/server/gateway/coffee table etc) 
but it's just gathering dust now.

So, if anyone can provide a home for it, or wants its innards for spares 
etc, please give me a call (07734 256445) - I can't make next week's 
meeting (which I guess makes a change from intending to go but not 
actually making it) so unfortunately won't be bringing it into the local 
domain of SC ;) soon.

I also have an old UMAX 1220S (SCSI) flatbed scanner which works under 
SANE happily. Unfortunately the SCSI card I used with it was dropped 
from the Windoze supported hardware; on upgrading to my current machine 
it thus meant that if I was dual booting it was either spend money on a 
new card, or the same amount for a new scanner! Again, it's taking up 
valuable space; to my knowledge it's working (I may even be able to find 
the 'doze software for it if you want!) but it's free to a (good?) home.

I'm in Hazel Grove if anyone is itching to get their hands on this 
bleeding edge kit and wants to pick it up  - first come first served ;)

(p.s. if you want to email off list, can you direct to 
swfarrington at totalise.co.uk - the beeb.net address is on a whitelist so 
very little actually gets through (previously heavily SPAMed address))

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