[SC.LUG] [Fwd: 'Open and honest' Linux debates]

Richard Smedley richard.smedley03 at ntlworld.com
Tue May 18 21:08:37 BST 2004

Has anyone seen this news. Sounds like it could be
interesting - particularly if you want to see spin at work.
The chap they had from MS at the Big Linux Debate
at LUDex was a master of the subtly twisted answer :-/

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[cumbria_lug] 'Open and honest' Linux debates
Date: 	Tue, 18 May 2004 16:42:03 +0100




Hi guys,

MS are planning a series of free, half-day seminars, which will "discuss 
the pros and cons of Microsoft's technology platform in relation to 
Linux and Open Source"

No doubt it'll be a FUD-fest, but none the less, I'm seriously 
considering going to the one in Manchester (29th June). Would anyone 
else be interested in going? I figure that we could share a car and thus 
keep the petrol costs down, or just provide company on the train.


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