[SC.LUG] Linux references in unusual places :)

Simeon Farrington swfarrington at beeb.net
Mon May 24 19:22:15 BST 2004

Completely off topic, but it amused me.

I bought the latest Chumbawamba album last week. If you've never heard their 
music, they write very tuneful ditties, tearing apart the world in a very 
cynical (albeit witty) manner.

Anyway, listening to their songs and reading the synopses in the CD cover I 
spotted the final track was called "rebel code" which was part inspired by 2 
revolutions from Finland; the molotov cocktail. And Linux. The synopsis 
includes the prose:

"Want to get rich quick by the end of the century by taking money
   from hordes of venture capitalists and clueless Wall
   Street suits?  Need to get even with Bill Gates but
   don't know what to do except throw cream pies at him? 
   Then this post might just be for you :-)"

and it's actually a really pleasant track. Sadly they don't have a sample of 
it on their website, but isn't it funny where these things appear?


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