[SC.LUG] [Fwd: [Shropshire] newsletter]

Richard Smedley richard.smedley03 at ntlworld.com
Sun May 30 18:35:47 BST 2004

Forwarded partly for those who can get to Salop on Tues, but
mostly for the radio hams on the list who may be interested
in the (S)LUG presence at the Telford Radio Rally.

 - Richard

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[Shropshire] newsletter
Date: 	30 May 2004 17:46:27 +0100
From: 	chris williams <webboss at ntlworld.com>
Reply-To: 	shropshire at mailman.lug.org.uk
To: 	shropshire at mailman.lug.org.uk

Hi All,

Fistly a quick welcome to the new members - 3 of them this month!

I hope to see all you new members at the next meeting (see below).

Not too much to report this month. Ive had the paperwork through for
telford radio rally were you will recall, last year we ran a SLUG
information stand. Personally I felt the event  was a very useful day
for us and helped spread the word to a receptrive community. However,
before I commit us to the event again this year (especially as its me
that pays for it!) I wanted to check everyone else feels its a valid
exercise too. So, subject for this months meeting will be "Telford Radio
Rally Discussion".

As ever, there will also be the usual round of discussion, advice and
general chat also. If you have any cool toys etc bring them along too...
we have been a bit light on techy toys recently.

Meeting will on tuesday 1st June and will be at the white horse pub in
shrewsbury (the one by the column - see website for details). Kickoff is
at about 7.30pm (ish).

NB: this is the first meeting we have had at the white horse since its
refit. Ive not had chance to get along there yet - though that may be
remedied later this evening if I get time. If its become yet another
"plastic pubbe" we may be looking for a new venue... again something for

Finally - IRC... Can I remind users NOT to sit idle in the chan if you
are not at the keyboard - Ive found the bot siting there de-opped with
two or three people with long idle times who are obviously away from the
keyboard . Let me stress this again - if the bot loses ops it cannot
regain them until everyone is out of the channel. There is nothing to be
gained by leaving your pc logged into the channel - we win no prizes for
an idle user count - it just makes it harder to manage the channel. 

If you join the channel and see that shropy does not have ops status -
ask (politely!) anyone else chatting to poart the channel for a few mins
while to bot picks up ops again, and then leave yourself.

Watch out for a new bot joining shortly by the way (Im building him
now)... He should be much like orac... on steroids! 

OK... thats all for now - look forward to seeing you on tuesday - ttfn.

Chris W.
Christopher J Williams - LugMaster for Shropshire

Shropshire mailing list
Shropshire at mailman.lug.org.uk

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