[SC.LUG] Reminder (GNU/Linux clinic) [was Re: meeting venue(29/03/05) ]

Robert Marshall robert at chezmarshall.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Mar 30 23:16:11 BST 2005

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005, Martyn Kinder wrote:

> I planned to come tonite, however, got caught in the M6 roadblock and
> didn't get home until 8.0pm - sorry.

Well to give you another chance - there was a throng of exactly 3 of us [1]
unless a crowd arrived once they saw me leave -  and to give the East side of
South Cheshire a fair crack of the whip I'd like to suggest that the next
scheduled Tuesday evening meeting (26th April) takes place in Alderley Edge
at the Merlin.

[1] oh and a (live) parrot
Robert Marshall

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