[SC.LUG] Fw: [python-uk] Come to PyCon UK - September 8th & 9th ! Speak! Learn! Enjoy!

Richard Smedley smedley358 at btinternet.com
Sat Apr 21 22:48:40 BST 2007

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2007 23:47:24 +0100
From: Michael Sparks 
To: "UK Python Users" <python-uk at python.org>
Subject: [python-uk] Come to PyCon UK - September 8th & 9th ! Speak!
Learn! Enjoy!



The first UK community conference for Python will be held in Birmingham
on Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th of September 2007.

PyCon UK is the young upstart counterpart to PyCon in the US. There
will be talks, lightning talks, tutorials, sprints and social

The conference is aimed at all members of the Python community, whether
you're just starting or you dream in bytecode.

Please visit <http://www.pyconuk.org> for more information. The Booking
Form and Talk submissions system are available now.

PyCon UK is being organised by the PyCon UK Society and Python West
Midlands < http://www.pywm.eu >.

You can contact the PyCon UK Society at < news at pyconuk.org >.

Want to share your expertise?

PyConUK 2007 is looking for proposals to fill the formal presentation
tracks. We will accept a broad range of presentations, from reports on
academic and commercial projects to tutorials and case studies. As long
as the presentation is interesting and potentially useful to the Python
community, it will be considered for inclusion in the program. Can you
show the conference-goers something new and useful? Can you show
attendees how to: use a module? explore a Python language feature?
package an application? Most talks will be within 30-60 minutes. There
will also be a dedicated Lightning Talk session for talks no longer
than five minutes.

I have never done programming before?

Do not worry, just come anyway, we are having special
sessions/tutorials for beginners, so it is the perfect time for you to
get your feet wet. Python is one of the easiest languages to learn, and
unlike most other very high-level languages, you are not painting
yourself into a corner, you can create web applications, desktop
applications and bash scripts.

How expensive is this conference?

Cheap. We have made it as cheap as we can so hobbyists and students can
afford to come. PyconUK is going to be a not for profit community
conference, early bird rates are heavily subsidised at just £50 for the
two days, and that includes all the extras (conference dinner, T-shirt,
goodie bag and so on). The main cost of going to a conference is
accommodation, and we have a really good value hotels in Birmingham,
the official conference hotel is just £35 a night for room sleeping 3.
More expensive options are available, most of the major hotels are
within walking distance from the conference. The conference is slap
bang in the middle of Birmingham, you just have to get to New Street
station. </spiel>

On a more personal note though - on behalf of the PyCon UK Society I'd
like to properly announce the UK Python Conference. This is an
affordable community conference taking place on 8th/9th September. The
conference is fantastic value, especially if you take advantage of the
extra early bird booking offer. Both new and experienced Python
programmers will benefit from the varied programme.

Why am I posting about this? I'd personally like to invite UK
pythonistas to come, share their knowledge with others, learn new
things and hang out. It's a community conference, which means it has
the following characteristics:

    * You can help make it amazing, by participating & speaking, by
helping, by attending!
    * It is cheap
    * It will be fun, and accessible. We (I'm helping organise this :) )
      really want the conference to be accessible to all, from those
who have no idea of what python is, let alone coded in it, through to
those who are working on their upteenth bytecode hack/compiler.

Seriously though , I'm really posting about this because despite being
a language pragmatist - ie I'll use any language that gets the job done
- I'm largely finding that I'll use python for almost everything these

Community conferences are a real opportunity to dive in and help and
learn and share. Like python itself, the conference is also platform
agnostic, so you're welcome if you use Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris,
FreeBSD, or even the same OS as me - Linux :) .

Have fun:-)


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python-uk at python.org

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