[SC.LUG] Backing Up Query

Nev nev at nevstah.co.uk
Fri Feb 8 08:37:10 GMT 2008


if your /home dir is on a seperate partition, then simply dont format it
when you reinstall, and everything should remian.

on a similar vein, does anyone have any experience with bacula backup??
i'm having major problems on a ubuntu 6.06LTS install. i'm trying to
backup to a usb hdd, which is currently vfat, however i think it maybe
better if i change that to ext2(3) and start again. any thoughts/comments?



Matthew Tolley wrote:
> Hello All,
> My Ubuntu 7.10 has become intolerably 'buggy' and I'm planning a
> re-installation after I've backed up my stuff.
> Is there  a file(s)  which I can back up with my  web (i.e. firefox)
> passwords in it so I don't have to re-enter them all when I go back to
> the websites I've joined? If so is it under /.mozilla?
> Also, I've customised the Gnome Panel and Background  - is it possible
> to save these customisations when I back up, and what folder should I
> look in for these?
> Thanks in advance,
> Matthew
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