Fw: Re: [SC.LUG] [Fwd: openSUSE DVDs for Linux User Groups]

Steve Hazlehurst stevehh at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 25 22:30:43 BST 2008

Suse 10.3 works for me.  It's all I use at home, on mine and the kids pc (Except for Xandros on the eee, and backtrack on a laptop)

I'm used to adding the media add-ons and getting the Nvidia card to work in Suse, so when I try another distro, I often lose interest if I start to struggle to get video streams, Google earth or Java installed, and put Suse back on.   10.3 is very simple to install, and should have a new user running with 95% of most users needs running when the install has finished.   The Opensuse website has detailed instructions to finish the desktop off, and get the media streams running.

The question is, what's in 11 to make upgrading worth the time?  Silverlight?   If it's not in there, I'll wait.

I've looked at Ubuntu, I prefer KDE, and lost interest.   I tried Kubuntu, and couldn't get the media/video apps installed correctly before I lost interest.


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