[SC.LUG] OSI / Perens -- [Fwd: Can I have your signature to help me protect Open Source?]

Richard Smedley smedley358 at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 18 22:32:46 GMT 2008

Bruce is standing for the board of OSI, to try and reign
in the proliferation of new FOSS licences, and counterbalance
the over-representation of vendors there.

It's an uphill battle, as his outspoken criticism of the
Novell-MS deal has made him a few enemies, so he needs to
show community support for his efforts. You can help with
this by following the link, and adding your signature.
Note that creating a log-in to do this will only expose 
you to vary occasional e-mails.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Bruce Perens <bruce at perens.com>
To: rs at m6-it.org
Subject: Can I have your signature to help me protect Open Source?
Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 11:46:59 -0700

You are getting this email because you are a registered user at techp.org .

I need you to help me protect Open Source. Would you please visit
read the message there, and sign it?

If you would like to discuss this with me directly, please email or call

    Many Thanks

    Bruce Perens
Bruce Perens / 1563 Solano Ave. / PMB 349 / Berkeley CA 94707 USA / 510-984-1055

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