[SLUG] Geeklog. (was Apologies To All Members)
Adams, Jamie
Jamie.Adams at homegroup.org.uk
Wed Apr 30 12:36:01 BST 2003
> Hmm, I'm going to throw a cat among the pigeons here as I
> don't like the layout of the current geeklog design. Sorry!
> I was under the impression that CMS would be used to
> compliment the existing website by adding certain features.
> Calenders etc. Rather than turning the Slug site into yet
> another Slashdot style news site. This style of site is just
> the sort of thing that makes me pass swiftly on to something
> more interesting and less eye watering! ;) To me it's just a
> collection of little links.
I agree.. It is very PHPNuke'ey/Slashdotty. Everyone will recognise the
standard 3 column view. I was also hoping that this would be something
we could avoid. It all seems rather complicated and busy for a site
which essentially is very simple.
> Every one I've shown the site put together by Jamie has been
> impressed! It's clear, simple to navigate, conveys it's
> message and looks welcoming and yet very professional.
Well, I have to agree with you here ;)
> me, it's only fault was that it lacked a few features and
> Jamie didn't have sufficient time to keep it fully updated.
> I'd like to see a Slug site much as we've been used to, but
> with the power provided by CMS to have the calenders etc . I
> dislike the login stuff too. I see it as shouting "Bugger
> off! Your not welcome unless you're one of us!" Not my idea
> of the Linux/open source philosophy. ;) I know anyone can
> sign up. But doesn't that kind of make it irrelavant? I
> think the site is better off without it!
Yes, I throughly agree. I hate login boxes of any type. I have enough
passwords to remember! And I don't think I promotes the philosphy of
free and open discussion.
> I agree that we need to make it possible for everyone to be
> able to submit stuff. But we have to be able to vet it
> before it goes live or we'll end up with Viagra and penis
> enlargment adverts etc on the site! Those that we trust
> should have a way to submit stuff to remove some work from
> the webmaster. This should be easy to do with a login page
> with an address not made public, but given to those regarded
> as trustworthy. I've done this sort of thing myself with .ht
> access and found it works well.
> Have the news thing if you wish, but to me that's covered by
> the mailing list and shouldn't be on the front page. I can
> see that logging in here might be necessary to be able to
> track people making posts. But keep it here. I see no need
> for it elsewhere.
Agreed. IMHO i think the first page should be similar to what it is at
the moment, just a description of the group and what it does, then links
to the other sections.
> I like the poll it's light hearted and gives an idea of what
> people use and allows them to interact with the site. But it
> shouldn't detract from the survey, which if used in
> conjunction with a screenshots page allows those who are just
> curious about linux to see what can be done with the hardware
> the group have. ie. You don't need a googlehz processor to
> run the latest distros.
> A link to a map showing the venue of the meetings wouldn't go
> amiss either for those living outside scarborough.
> I know my little website is total crap. But how about links
> to Slug members sites, so people can get an idea of who we
> are? Might shake off the geek image of all being pale pasty
> nerds terrified of sunlight! ;)
Excellent idea!
> I'm sorry to be negative, and I do appreciate the hard work
> people (particularly Ian and Paul) have put in to get this
> going. But I feel the site is going in the wrong direction.
> I'm probably in a minority of one here. But you asked for
> opinions. ;)
Yeah, even though I have said completely the opposite to what I said the
day before yesterday, I agree with Al's comments. What we have now is
getting very close to the forum style thing that when the group started
back last year we all said we would rather not see. I hate to be
negative too, but the site does have its good points as well, the
calender looks very useful.
Maybe geeklog is a little over the top? Unless there are some scaled
down templates?
> Al
> --
> Mandrake 9
> Fluxbox 0.1.14
> Kernal 2.4.19-16mdk Registered Linux User: 290080
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