[SLUG] Meeting Tommorow
Chris Sutcliffe
chrissut at snbcomputers.com
Mon Feb 28 18:35:49 GMT 2005
On Mon, 2005-02-28 at 15:05 +0000, Jamie Adams wrote:
>I just want to pass on my advance apologies for missing the meet
>tommorow. I have a university interview early on the morning following
>the meet, so I think I best stay home and keep a clear head. The
>temptation for beer will be much too strong!
thats the sign of a weak man, just follow my example and drink tea.;)
Unfortunately I am in the same position, no interview but I can not make
it tomorrow. I know this is the second meet in a row that I will have
missed but I assure you there is no pattern forming. I can't make it for
personal reasons but will attend future meets.
On the subject of future meets. I am the culprit who books these
meetings (Cricketers not the school) and, as I work shifts I have booked
them on days that I would be off and, in the past, given people a choice
of dates in a posting to the mailing list.
I now think the idea of having meeting dates decided several months in
advance (I did do this myself once) would be the best way to go.
Meetings at the Cricketers are to be held on Tuesdays and, I believe,
meetings at the school are usually booked for a Monday. If we are to
continue having meetings at alternate venues then I suggest just booking
the School on the first Monday of the month and the Cricketers, on
alternate months, would be booked on the first Tuesday. This would mean
that I may not be able to make every meeting due to shifts but this
would be a small price to pay as the group would have more structure and
members would be able to plan ahead.
thoughts anyone?
Chris Sutcliffe
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