[SLUG] Next meeting, SEN
john at johnallsopp.co.uk
john at johnallsopp.co.uk
Mon Jun 27 10:00:12 BST 2005
I just sent this (below) to the Scarborough Evening News.
We still need at least one person to volunteer to bring along a
machine with either (I think) Luminocity or xcompmgr in order to
demonstrate the funky new interfaces we're supposed to be discussing
(see article in July's Linux Format).
Either that or we'll have to revert to marker pens and tracing paper.
The meeting will either be good or crap depending on what we
demonstrate, I think, and if someone new turns up to see us mumble for
five minutes without anything to demonstrate then we're not likely to
gain new friends and influence people. So c'mon, hands up, let's see
your hardware :-)
Steve, the website 'next meeting' bit needs to be updated before this
appears in the paper. Let me know if we need to set up a system so you
get more warning.
At the next meeting of the Scarborough Linux User Group (SLUG) members
will organise the first month of their self-study programme for the
Linux Professional Institute Junior Level Administration examination
(LPIC-1). This self-study group is free of charge, open to anyone, and
is expected to require four hours per week of study for one year to
pass one exam followed by the same again for a second. Higher
qualifications are then available.
Linux already looks better than Windows, but most agree the Mac
interface looks best of all. Not for long. Linux has a makeover
planned and SLUG members hope to demonstrate some of the new features
and discuss developments.
Anyone interested should turn up at The Cricketers on North Marine
Road, at 7:30pm on Wednesday 6 July or visit the SLUG website at
http://www.scarborough.lug.org.uk/ where they can join the mailing
list and ask any questions they wish.
The Software Patents Directive is working its way through the European
Union and a vote is planned for the 5 July. Many members of SLUG are
concerned to ensure that pure software remains unpatentable and they
ask anyone interested to ensure their voice is heard.
http://www.scarborough.lug.org.uk/patents.shtml provides more details.
Linux is an increasingly popular alternative, low cost operating
system for almost all computer systems. Most software that runs on
Linux is called 'free' referring both to its cost, and to the fact
that users are more free to copy and use software and free to alter it
to suit themselves. Many equally capable yet free alternatives to
popular programs for, for example word processing, graphics
manipulation and music making, are available to run on Linux.
Scarborough Linux User Group meets monthly to discuss Linux news, try
new software, and drink beer.
The August meeting will be on Wednesday the 3rd and will discuss retro
LPI: <http://www.lpi.org/en/home.html>, exam details
Linux: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux>
SLUG: <http://www.scarborough.lug.org.uk/>
More information about the Scarborough
mailing list