[SLUG] ls files amended in the last five minutes
john at johnallsopp.co.uk
john at johnallsopp.co.uk
Mon Mar 28 15:35:47 BST 2005
Did I miss a response, or does no-one know why my command
find / -amin -5 > myRecentFiles.txt
which is supposed to list files amended in the last five minutes
should list thousands of files including
Ah. That file was apparently amended on the 25 November 2011. Any idea
what might have given my system such prescience? I've not changed the
date since I set Linux up.
But still
are listed. None of the cursors files have been amended since 2003.
So, I want to run a simple, basic Linux command and end up with two
new mysteries and my initial question unanswered. How bloody
irritating :-)
>> Ahem, actually find / -mmin -5 is for files with contents changed
>> five
>> minutes or fewer ago. Maybe
> So. That command >myfile.txt gave me 2655 files, teh contents of which
> were supposedly changed in the last five minutes.
> Do we believe that?
> I mean, granted there are shedloads of OS type stuff such as:
> /proc/2301/cmdline
> /proc/2301/stat
> /proc/2301/statm
> /proc/2301/maps
> /proc/2301/mem
> /proc/2301/cwd
> /proc/2301/root
> /proc/2301/exe
> for presumably process 2301, which possibly haven't actually been
> written to disc yet (otherwise 2655 files every five minutes, my hd
> would melt surely), but files I know for sure shouldn't have been
> altered for a while, eg. /foo/bar/graniteukltd-Sep-2003.com, a copy of
> a web server log are listed.
> Is my command wrong?
> And anyway. There's no mysql error log listed, so I'm escalating to a
> mysql list to see what gives.
> J
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