[sclug] dd question

Pieter Claassen pieter at openauth.co.uk
Sat Oct 25 09:05:34 UTC 2003

Yesterday, I mounted a master HD /dev/hda2 that I booted from as ro booted
in init 1 and then proceeded to copy the 30GB away with dd if=/dev/hda
of=/dev/hdd bs=4M.

This took 5 hours to complete, but it did the job or so I think.

If I pop the master and slave HD's into a new machine booted from another
HD, then they copy in about 30 minutes.

I noticed in both cases that kswapd was going for it, but other than that I
don't understand the massive time difference.

Also, is there anyway that I can check that the disks really did copy
properly other than a boot. They both pass fsck.ext3 but I fear that might
not be enough.

Pieter Claassen
pieter at openauth.co.uk

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