[sclug] SSHD automatic firewalling

Alex Butcher lug at assursys.co.uk
Sat Feb 12 11:01:49 UTC 2005

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Hamlesh Motah wrote:

> Does anyone know if it is possible to have sshd add a drop rule to
> iptables if a user tries to ssh but fails to authenticate twice?

There's nothing built in to sshd to allow you to do that.

But you /could/ set MaxAuthTries in sshd_config to 4, which will cause two
login failures to generate a log entry. You can then arrange for a daemon to
read /var/log/messages and insert a netfilter rule accordingly. Bear in mind
that this could result in a DoS if an attacker knows the IP addresses which
legitimate users connect from.

> The alternative I guess would be to permit SSH to only a specific number
> of ips.

That would actually be the preferred alternative, possibly combined with
port knocking (e.g. <http://www.zeroflux.org/knock/>) if the set of
legitimate users is small (or one) and the set of legitimate potential
client hosts is large (or the entire Internet).

> Hamlesh Motah.

Best Regards,
Alex Butcher      Brainbench MVP for Internet Security: www.brainbench.com
Bristol, UK                      Need reliable and secure network systems?
PGP/GnuPG ID:0x271fd950                         <http://www.assursys.com/>

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