[sclug] Netmeeting and GNUGk

James Wyper jrwyper at yahoo.co.uk
Mon May 16 12:23:35 UTC 2005

Hi everyone.

Does anyone have any experience (good or otherwise) configuring the GNU
Gatekeeper (GNUGk)?  Has anyone found some useful documentation
anywhere other than the site itself?  I've tried setting this up in the
past without success, but, having looked at alternatives, think that
it's worth another go..

The problem:

I have a Mandrake 10.1 box which acts as combined [shorewall] firewall
/ router between dual-boot (Win98 / Mandrake) clients on my home
network.  I've got a Windows-only webcam, and I want to be able to use
Netmeeting to videoconference with (Windows-using) family in Australia.

It appears that Netmeeting (or the H323 protocol generally) doesn't
play well with NAT firewalls (I've tried DNATing lots of ports on the
firewall to one of the Windows clients without success).  I think I
have the following alternatives to choose from:

1.  Temporarily physically connect my broadband to one of the Windows
machines.  This is a hassle as the network interfaces would need to be
reconfigured and, even with the combination of Zonealarm / AVG, I feel
uneasy about the security aspects.  Oh, and it's not a Linux-y solution

2.  Set up a VPN:  OpenSwan looks fiddly if you want it to play with
the standard Windows IPSec client; OpenVPN seems easier but requires
installation / running of a client on the Australian PC.

3.  Or I can have another try with GNUGk.

Is there anything else anyone can recommend?


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