[sclug] Firewalling on a server

Tom Chance tom at acrewoods.net
Thu Jan 5 20:01:53 UTC 2006


Just a quick question - if you've got a server running a certain number of 
services and you know the ports they use, then presumably it makes sense to 
firewall off every other port?

Or would I stupidly block off incoming data on ports that I didn't realise are 
needed, beyond those for SSH (22), SMTP (25), Apache (80), IMAP (143), LDAPS 
(636) and MySQL (3306)? Looking in /etc/services there are lots of ports that 
are mentioned for basic services like echo, netstat, login, who, etc. I've 
looked down the list given by 'netstat -a' but I've noticed that some are 
listed without my running the related server (*:ircd is listed as LISTEN).

I've blocked off a few odd things I know are unnecessary (including 6667 for 
irc). Any light that people could shed on this would be welcome...



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