[sclug] VPN

James Wyper jrwyper at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jan 9 09:33:32 UTC 2006

--- Hamlesh Motah <admin at hamlesh.com> wrote:

> I have tried and tried and tried in the past to setup a VPN server at
> home, openvpn is far too complicated for my limited knowledge.  

I have dabbled with openvpn (linux <-> linux, no Windows clients as
yet); my knowledge is also pretty limited but I don't recall having
major problems with it (or nothing that googling couldn't fix).  The
Howto on the openvpn website is pretty good.  Were you using version

If you're having specific problems I can try and help out, or I can
post you my config files if you think they would be useful.

I think I read somewhere that the new version of OpenSSH is going to
have vpn functionality out of the box so it may be worth investigating


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