Supporting distro re-packaging (Was: [sclug] Linux Apprentice Wanted !)

Matt Dainty matt at
Tue Nov 7 13:49:48 UTC 2006

* Roland Turner (SCLUG) < at> [2006-11-07 12:01:03]:
> Further, whether or not source is the "standard" means of distribution
> (hello Gentoo and BSD-ports users!), the much larger problem of the
> transitive closure of dependencies arises.

But remember that just because the distribution or OS provides the
package as source, they're still just as able to then modify the package
to sit nicely in their system, still creating the same so-called

At least the NetBSD pkgsrc framework still tracks dependencies even
though the packages are still built from source and in such a way that
even if you have a dependency installed on your machine, if it's not
listed to be required by the package you're building, it won't be pulled
in and the build likely won't work.

"Quidquid latine dictum sit altum viditur."
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