[sclug] Looking for Linux programmer

malcolm cartledge malcolm at cartledge.org
Mon Dec 22 18:18:54 UTC 2008

Hi everyone,

I hope this post isn't out of context in this forum. My apologies if it is.

We are a small company who have devoted the last 3 years to developing 
an innovative data communications product and are now looking for an 
experienced Linux software designer to complete the refinement of the 

We need someone to work for us on a full time contract basis for approx 
4 months initially from say February. The majority of the code is 
scripted and based on a ground-up build of Slackware (nothing that's not 
needed gets put in), so familiarity with bash and awk is essential, and 
a secure knowledge of networking would be very desirable. The work would 
be based in Bourne End (SL8).

I will be happy to provide much more background information to any 
serious candidates, but as this is not a released product yet, am 
naturally reticent in an open forum. Suffice it to say though that we 
are in serious negotiation with major network providers.


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