[sclug] Graphics cards

David Given dg at cowlark.com
Fri Sep 13 23:46:53 UTC 2013

Can anyone recommend what to look for in a decent graphics card these
days? I've totally lost touch with what's good these days, and even the
bottom end cards look hopelessly high end to me. I'm not a high end
gamer but I do want something reasonably future proof that's capable of
3D on dual-headed HD with a decent frame rate. NVidia preferably.

Incidentally, the 3D fractals I showed a few people were generated with
Mandelbulber, which is now in Debian. They're currently working on
OpenCL support:


Here are some examples of the output:


Watch in as high def as you can...

???? ?????????????? ????? http://www.cowlark.com ?????
? "Ripley's Law: Never go further for the cat than the cat would go for
? you." --- Vexxarr Bleen (trans. Hunter Cressall)

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