[Scottish] [OT] Need an ISP
Kevin McDermott
scottish at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Aug 27 22:02:01 2002
* Phil Deane <phil@miracleexpress.force9.co.uk> [Aug 27. 2002 20:57]:
> Hi Folks
> I can't get ADSL/NTL cable as its not in my area, or at least not in my street
> as it is a private road. So dialup is the answer for me.
Are you sure you can't get ADSL ?
If you dial up through BT (which you appear to), then you've got a BT link and an awful lot of exchanges are not geared for ADSL, nobody does very much, around a week after you order it, you will discover your dial-up speeds are reduced considerably, mmine went to 42Kbps, and my ADSL had been activated.
I left BT Surftime cos they upped it to 25UKP/mo, and went like many fellow Sluggers to Pipex which is 24UKP/mo.
You'll need to get your own ADSL modem (~80UKP) plus at least one ADSL splitter/microfilter, but it's been great since.
I signed up online at www.dsl.pipex.com (I was going to go with Demon, but they're making it way too hard and 50UKP more expensive to boot...)