[Scottish] Most definitely off topic

Michael Cameron scottish at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Aug 29 09:45:01 2002

>AFAIK, no. nsswitch.conf does all sorts of stuff that is implemented in
>different ways on Windoze. Was it just to tweak the order of name

It was to check and, if required, tweak the order.  I must have files first
as I am looking up a lot of names from addresses (>50K); I have a daily feed
out of the DNS/WINS servers from which I can create a hosts file (including
entries for systems with no name).  This is perfectly okay, I don't want to
look anything up externally.  I could achieve all this by creating a
completely separate lookup system but I thought gethostbyaddr is there, why
not make use of it?  If I generate DNS queries instead of using etc/hosts my
code runs in tens of minutes rather than seconds.