[Scottish] Epson EPL5700L

Kyle Gordon kyle at lodge.glasgownet.com
Wed Oct 29 21:45:41 GMT 2003

Hey all

Has anyone had any success in getting the Epson EPL5700L (that 'L'
suffix is the important bit) working on Linux through CUPS? I know that
the printer requires data in its own special 'EPL' format, but I'm not
sure how CUPS handles the conversion process.

Due to a weird setup, my printer is connected through a JetDirect 170x
print server. Pointing CUPS at the 170x and telling it to use the LPR
queue on port 9100 seems to get the data sent to the printer, but the
printer locks up just after recieving the data, which is a sure sign
that the data is in the wrong format. 

If I upload an EPL file to the FTP server on the 170x, then the printer
prints fine, so all the communication methods seem to be in order, just
not the file formats. Any further thoughts on this?

On an unrelated note, if anyone is going to the meet tomorrow, do you
all fancy bringing along some photographic ID and your GPG keys?


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