[Scottish] Konqueror 3.2

ray rayH at engineering-intelligence.co.uk
Wed Feb 18 20:56:31 GMT 2004

On Wednesday 18 February 2004 20:00, Kyle Gordon wrote:
> Loads, renders, and then blanks out here, on Konq 3.2
> Turning off Javascript allows the page to render properly, and stays that way.

Thanks Kyle, I'll pass that on. I suspected that it is related to the use of the  proprietary Milonic (javascript) menu system.

There was a bit of flack from the 
>I use only standard Microsoft products, honest!

The Nominet response so far is:
>For information - 
>Our website is tested with IE, Mozilla, Opera, Konqueror and Safari on 
>Windows (98,2K,XP), Linux (RedHat, Mandrake), Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X.  Most 
>of our web development is done in Opera/Mozilla on Linux.
>We do not yet test with Firefox as the Mozilla Foundation website 
>describes it as a "Technology Preview".  However it does work.
>Jay Daley
>Director of IT
>Nominet UK


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