[Scottish] [Freebies] Compaq Proliant Server

Andrew Elwell andrew at rhum.elwell.org.uk
Sun Mar 7 14:38:36 GMT 2004

Free to a good home (ideal for someone wanting to practice new n
exiting swear words n chicken bone voodoo) - 1x compaq proliant 2000

Spec - P66 (yep - The kernel correctly picks up the floating point bug)
     - 32 Meg of ram (I think)
     - 4x 1gig scsi hot swap drives (presently raid 5 3+1) on a compaq
       smart card.

Used to be a fab netware server and runs debian great.


Andrew Elwell <andrew at elwell.org.uk>
Mobile: 07890 249969, H: 01244 403490 W: 01925 603966
GNUPG Key: 1A1E108D (Available on keyserver.net)
Fingerprint = F9B2 68EB E82E CFED EB05 BFF3 0599 2156 1A1E 108D 

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