[Scottish] Usb proxy + list traffic

Craig Perry craig at onemanstudfarm.co.uk
Thu Sep 16 07:34:16 BST 2004

Hi callum,

The long and short of it all is basically, I've been given a blackberry for work, and I'd like to sync my contacts etc with the comp, and at the moment there is no app available for linux to allow such shenanigans.

Wine would probably be an option, need to try it, see if desktop manager runs in that. But it would require I run outlook as well, and I'm currently very happy with evolution.

But really I want to trap the comms between a windows box running desktop manager and the blackberry.


-----Original Message-----
From: Calum Matheson <cbm at gmx.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 02:47:51 
To:"Craig Perry" <craig at onemanstudfarm.co.uk>
Cc:scottish at mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: Re: [Scottish] Usb proxy + list traffic

Hello Craig,

Thursday, September 16, 2004, 12:50:07 AM, you wrote:

CP> Hi all,

CP> Its a bit quiet on this list lately is it not? Everyone seems to have moved to edlug.

CP> Just a wee question:

CP> How could I setup a box to act as a kind of proxy for a usb connection?

CP> <snip>

Sorry if I'm being a bit thick here Craig, but what would be the
feckin' point in that?

Why not just open up the case of the Linux box, get out yer soldering
iron and hard-wire 2 ports together, although that seems just as


Calum :)

Best regards,
 Calum                            mailto:cbm at gmx.co.uk

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