[Scottish] Hopeless newbie does Tomcat (or not, as the case may be...)

William Anderson neuro at well.com
Tue Oct 18 15:34:38 BST 2005

Steve Logan wrote:
> [snip]
> I've also tried installing via the command line using
>   rpm -il jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.rpm
> which appears to work OK but when I try
>    java -version
> I get told that 'bash: java: command not found' and I don't have the
> correct environment variables set.  Have I got the rpm switches correct?

rpm -Uvh jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.rpm

that'll upgrade where necessary, install otherwise, and give you visual
cues as to the progress.  And no, when using rpm, it doesn't matter
where the rpm file is.  When installing stuff from rpm and not using
package management - which since all my rpm based kit is running CentOS,
means up2date - I usually create an rpms directory in root's home
directory, and chuck them there.

_ __/|  William Anderson      | It's called a "changeover."  The movie
\`O_o'  neuro at well dot com | goes on, and nobody in the audience has
=(_ _)= http://neuro.me.uk/   | any idea.
   U  - Thhbt! GPG 0xFA5F1100 |   -- the Narrator, "Fight Club"

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