[Scottish] netstat not reporting connection.

donothing successfully donothingsuccessfully at googlemail.com
Fri Jul 20 01:53:59 BST 2007


Help! I think I've got a rootkit.

I'm running ubuntu dapper behind a D-link DI-604 broadband

iftop and tcpdump are reporting connections to 172.21.*.* ip addresses.
Which wikipedia and whois tell me are on a private network.
But my LAN's 192.168.*.*

I can't get netstat or lsof to report anything about them,
sudo lsof -i -n -r 1|grep 172
sudo netstat -ntuapc|grep 172
don't give anything.

sudo tcpdump -XX  -vv -l net mask
gives eg:
00:55:21.052339 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 241, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF],
proto: TCP (6), length: 40) >
R, cksum 0x362a (correct), 3372710218:3372710218(0) win 0
	0x0000:  0013 20aa 8c7f 000d 88af d7d9 0800 4500  ..............E.
	0x0010:  0028 0000 4000 f106 0f71 ac15 0d0c c0a8  .(.. at ....q......
	0x0020:  0095 2b0b 91fa c907 794a 0000 0000 5004  ..+.....yJ....P.
	0x0030:  0000 362a 0000 0000 0000 0000            ..6*........
00:55:36.087562 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 241, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF],
proto: TCP (6), length: 40) >
R, cksum 0x7a34 (correct), 3381801908:3381801908(0) win 0
	0x0000:  0013 20aa 8c7f 000d 88af d7d9 0800 4500  ..............E.
	0x0010:  0028 0000 4000 f106 0e71 ac15 0e0c c0a8  .(.. at ....q......
	0x0020:  0095 2b0b 91fb c992 33b4 0000 0000 5004  ..+.....3.....P.
	0x0030:  0000 7a34 0000 0000 0000 0000            ..z4........

I've done some basic things to check for a rootkit:

Downloaded debs to get md5sum and netstat binaries and
checked them against the installed versions.

Downloaded chkrootkit and compiled it.
As far as I can tell it didn't report anything dodgy apart
from some dot files in /usr/lib etc, which seem to be

I tired looking in /proc/net/{udp,tcp} as discussed here:
if my convoluted hex conversion scripts are to be believed
there was no mention of any 172* ip addresses there.
If you can't trust /proc what can you trust?

How can I find out what's going on here?
And how can I fix it?!

I would be very grateful for any advice.


here's my script in case anyone's interested:

sed '/local_address/d' /proc/net/{udp,tcp} |
while read i
	echo "$i" |
	awk '{print $2}' |
	sed '/local_address/d;s/://;s/\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(....\)/0x\4
0x\3 0x\2 0x\1 0x\5/' |
	xargs /usr/bin/printf '%d.%d.%d.%d:%d\t'

	echo "$i" |
	awk '{print $10}' |
	sed 's/.*/0x&/g' |
	xargs /usr/bin/printf '%d\n'

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