[Scottish] Eben Moglen (GPL author) lecture Edinburgh, 26th June

Dan Shearer dan at shearer.org
Fri Jun 8 17:58:37 BST 2007

This is a heads-up: Eben Moglen, the lawyer behind the GPL family of
licenses, defender of our liberties and so on and so forth will be in
Scotland briefly this month, in conjunction with the Scottish Faculty of

Venue TBA - it will be in the evening in central Edinburgh but it will
take a few days to confirm exactly where. But note this in your diaries.

Eben is a riveting presenter, about as far from a dry boring lawyer as
you could get. And, quite apart from free software, it isn't often you
get to hear from someone who has personally been the motivator for
legislation in dozens of countries, and who is valued both by the
largest companies and the poorest regions in the world. His work
challenges the entire rickety system of IP rights we have. Google "Eben
Moglen" to see what I mean. 

Pass the word. I'm particularly interested in bringing along highschool
students, because the issues Eben addresses will, for better or worse,
form the nature of the world they will enter as adults.


Dan Shearer
dan at shearer.org

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