[Scottish] Software Freedom Day in Scotland

Arron M Finnon afinnon at googlemail.com
Wed May 28 16:49:22 BST 2008

Hi Guys,

Just a quick line to do two things firstly we're really proud to
announce that we are holding an all-day event for software freedom day.
In addition to enquiry if you guys are doing anything for it, or do you
know anyone in getting involved with a event.

Just if you are it seems a good way to do some cross promotion for the
events.  I'm going to start a thread over at
http://thelinuxsociety.org.uk/content/software-freedom-day-ideas-thoughts-and-discussions Please feel free to drop over and share and ideas and thoughts that you may have for software freedom day.

Anyways catch you laters 

Arron M Finnon


The UAD Linux Society


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