[Scottish] Fwd: [Org-glasgow] Glasgow ORG involvement

Mike Quin mike at elite.uk.com
Mon Aug 5 09:59:16 UTC 2013

I figured there might be enough crossover between Scotlug and what the
ORG do for this to be of interest folks not already involved with
their work:

----- Forwarded message from Stephen McLeod Blythe <stephen at allmy.fr> -----

From: Stephen McLeod Blythe <stephen at allmy.fr>
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2013 16:54:21 +0100
Message-ID: <CALjdu67-DoRPMvsjbuarkWU6kh_CDqj7V_MrZcpcZEEyZE=Oog at mail.gmail.com>
To: org-glasgow at lists.openrightsgroup.org
Subject: [Org-glasgow] Glasgow ORG involvement
Reply-To: org-glasgow at lists.openrightsgroup.org

Hello Glasgow,

I've been speaking to Ruth at ORG about getting something moving north of
the border (and West of Edinburgh!). It'd be good to get a more substantial
Scottish presence within ORG, and given the number and quality of people
we've got, think we can make it happen. This doesn't necessarily need to be
physical meetings, but at least some sort of more tangible 'group' for
those of us local to Glasgow (or Glaswegian at heart).

It'd be good if people could give the list a shout and introduce themselves
so we see who's still around here, and in particular if anybody's got any
thoughts on this.

A bit about me: I'm Digital Marketing Manager for a software firm, where
I've worked in various technical guises before ending up in marketing for
my sins. I've got an LLB from Glasgow Uni, and am currently half-way
through a part-time LLM in Internet Law & Policy at Strathclyde. Aside from
that, I take photos, travel about a bit, and hack apart gameboys to make
chiptune music.

Thanks - looking forward to hearing from you.

Org-glasgow mailing list
Org-glasgow at lists.openrightsgroup.org

----- End forwarded message -----

Mike Quin <mike at elite.uk.com> 

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