[Sderby] Firdays meeting

David Bottrill sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Nov 6 10:09:00 2002

On Mon, 2002-11-04 at 11:58, Jak wrote:
> Apologies to all involved for our absence on Friday...

As ever the beer was as excellent as the company, I won't mention the
sad (young) git who needs converting from Lager to real ale!!

> Various boxen at the ISP deciding to die screaming on Friday night - of
> course AFTER the hours drive back from work...
> Guess which operating system these boxes WEREN'T running ;-)

You have my sympathies, what can I say!!

> Did everybody spot this already?
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A59197-2002Nov2.html
> Think it's on Slashdot, so I bet you lot have already seen it - but just in
> case...
We live in interesting times, in the two or three years I have been
playing with and later using Linux, I have seen vast improvements with
each new version; Kernel, Desktop and Apps. Lets hope this growing
interest and awareness spills over to the guys and gals who spend long
hours slaving over a hot keyboard to work their magic. And those of us
who are past the or never even reached the heady heights of programming
can still do our bit by promoting the Operating system of choice.

David Bottrill

When's the next Sunday meeting, I've lost count.