[Sderby] SuSE Linux 8.1

Ted sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Sep 19 11:28:00 2002

On Wednesday 18 September 2002 11:08 pm, Clive Jones wrote:
> On Wednesday 18 Sep 2002 8:31 pm, Mini Mike wrote:
> > Dave and I are both interested in purchasing SuSE 8.1 Pro (£59).  Is
> > anyone else interested?  We are trying to get as many people as possible
> > to place a job lot on Linux Emporium and hopefully negociate a discount!
> >
> > Mike.
> Linux Emporium are usually expensive.  If you want to form an unoffical
> buyers collective I can look into supplying you directly from a major
> distributor perhaps.  I'll ring them tomorrow to find out pricing if you
> are interested. The minimum order quantity is actually quite small so you
> could order just a couple, but that would incur a handling charge.
> C.
Hi Clive
	I might be interested too...Could you let me know the price ??

  Ted Wager
      elx linux user