[Sderby] That's got to be a record!

Dominic Knight sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Aug 21 16:21:01 2003

On Wednesday 20 August 2003 22:09, slh@f2s.com wrote:
> > You'll be excited to note that today was our busiest day for
> > messages. Unfortunately 45 of them were viruses that couln.t be
> > approved. Only one was from a known member (hemstock@tiscali
> > needs a virus checker) and we seem to have made it into many a
> > company address book.
> heehee,
> /me points at mike(hemstock) and sniggers
> being serious, i think the virus thats doing the rounds at the
> moment spoofs email address, so that the sender is actually the
> one who sent it. theyjsut get the blame.
> Ian
Yeah, you're right, Mike's mail address was spoofed from a mail he=20
posted in May (ID: 200305181952.59642 if you're interested in=20
finding where they took it from Mike).
Until they get bored, I will stop sending myself copies of messages=20
waiting for approval and dump almost everything, please don't send=20
any HTML or anything that will get caught by the spam filter as I am=20
likely to miss it.
