[Sderby] Christmas

claire claire at bootiful.eclipse.co.uk
Mon Dec 1 11:26:17 GMT 2003

Mike Hemstock wrote:

>On Sunday 30 November 2003 22:16, claire wrote:
>>Good evening gentlemen
>>I have a little query.  Some weeks ago someone mentioned something about
>>a Christmas 'do' for the Sderby LUG group and after much flurry on the
>>list, all went quiet.  So exactly what are we doing boys? Suggestions on
>>a postcard to the following address.........................
>The conclusion was that we are all Christening Simon's new flat by having a 
>LAN party.  He currently has a 24 port 10/100 switch and come tomorrow I too 
>will have a 24 port 10/100 switch (Linksys no less :-)  Depending on uplink 
>capability that means we will be able to support between 46 and 48 users, 
>probably well exceeding both the amount of floor space and 13A sockets!  
>Bring your six ways folks!
>Along that theme, we need to decide an agenda, I for one will be a little 
>hacked off if we spend the entire night trying to install Quake 3 on 
>everyones boxen.

Get a life ;-)   You need to get out more babes cos, and I hate to be 
the one to tell you, there is a whole world out there that doesn't 
revolve around computers. Shocking as that may seem to someone of your 
*delicate* disposition but.........................

Claire  :-*
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