[Sderby] Sderby web

Tony Martin sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Jan 7 20:20:00 2003

How about the use of spell checkers in mail programs?    8)


Mini Mike wrote:

>I'm currently doing some work on the website (I know, first time for 
>everything!)  The currernt area of work is the meetings schedule.  I have 
>added the meeting dates for this year.  Now I need to add the schedule for 
>each meeting.  If anyone has any ideas for:
>A) What they could demo
>B) What they would like to see demoed.
>Let me know and I will try to arrange it.
>Also, if the motivation stays with me I will add a knoelge base/FAQ/etc 
>section to the web any idea would be most welcome.
>Sderby mailing list
>Web site: http://sderby.lug.org.uk/
>wiki: http://www.sderby.lug.org.uk/cgi-bin/wiki.pl