[Sderby] Junk mail, lets get our own back 8)

Tony Martin sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Jan 23 08:53:01 2003

I keep getting junk mail such as, "Dear Sir I have loads of money in a 
foreign country........"

I used to just delete them, but then I thought why not annoy them back 
and clog up their email?

I now send them a copy of georgia font (which happens to be about the 
right size to be as large as possible (140K), yet not too large as to be 
blocked by their mail server. I also send them a couple of dozen copies.

If everyone does that as soon as they receive such an email, it will 
block them off almost immediately and perhaps their ISP or email 
providers will start to clamp down on them.

Please pass on and perhaps we can at least reduce this junk.
