[Sderby] Tuesday IRC meeting

Ian Spratt sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk
Fri Jul 25 18:55:01 2003

> >With all this talk of "other" IRC servers, why don't we use the
> >standard, lug.org.uk provided server - after all, we use their mail
> >and web servers.  I don't know if Domonic has to get involved for
> >this, but as I understand it, just creating an #sderby channel on the
> >server should be good enough...
> It looks like no one is using #sderby on lug.org.uk, so i guess i'll
> on it for a while, and see if i get booted off.

Well, i haven't been booted off yet, and there is now a bot on there to
keep the channel ours.

point your favourite irc client at:

and join channel:
