[Sderby] Procmail & Spam assasin
Mike Hemstock
sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Jun 24 19:07:00 2003
Hi folks,
I'm currerntly using a SuSE 8.0 server, which collects mail from various pop3
servers via fetchmail and dumps in in /var/mail, which is then served out to
my network via Washington IMAP.
It's quite annoying when 9 million emails all land in the same folder, so I
was looking into sorting the mail. I understand this can be achived with
Procmail and I'm in the middle of reading about it. I thought I'd drop a
note to see if anyone had tried this before and could offer any advise?
I would also like to eliminate the 8,999,999 spam mails that are cluttering up
my mail box. Someone suggested Spam assasin. I've called John "Skull
crusher" Jones and Fred "Axe Murderer" Hawkins, but neither seem willing to
help! Does anyone have any experience of Assasinating Spam?