[Sderby] Old PC's and junk

sderby@mailman.lug.org.uk sderby at mailman.lug.org.uk
Sat Mar 29 19:35:00 2003

i have several old computers that i dont use anymore, and i'm gonna junk em if 
i cant find anyone to take them.

i've got:
386 25Mhz, 2mb Ram
486 sx25, 4mb ram
Pentium 90, no ram, onboard ethernet
Pentium 100, no ram
Pentium 120, no ram

all are desktops, except the P120, which is an AT tower.

if anyone wants them, they can have them. or if anyone knows of a charity that 
would like them, please let me know


Everyone should have http://www.freedom2surf.net/