[Sderby] Fwd: LInux site

Alan Dunford adunford at ntlworld.com
Sun Nov 9 16:40:04 GMT 2003


The following site is one I have used for a while but noticed yesterday
that it is Linux-powered.  If anyone wants an example to show a
wavering Windows user, I recommend this.


BTW I have used Mandrake since version 8, having tried Red  Hat (from 
version 5.2 before that).  Right now I am waiting for disks for 
Mandrake 9.2 - installation of previous versions has been easy and 
relatively painfree and on-line updating a breeze (using urpmi).

Alan Dunford, adunford at ntlworld.com
Web Page: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/adunford
Coming to you from a 100% Microsoft-free computer

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