[Sderby] smoothwall

David Williams david at williams333.freeserve.co.uk
Sun Nov 9 19:47:17 GMT 2003


I'm having problems connecting to NTL broadband via a smoothwall box. Up
until 2 weeks ago I had a smoothwall version 1 box as a proxy to freeserve
(BT) broadband and all worked well. However, I moved house, BT were an
incompetent pain, I changed to NTL. The account is working ok using a set
top box and a windowsXP client.

I thought it would be a good time to upgrade to smoothwall 2.0 (beta 7) and
duly wiped my old box and set up a new one - green and red interfaces.

If I connect the smoothwall box to my set top box I can connect to the
internet on the smoothwall box ie. I can ping www.bbc.co.uk from the command
line as root. However, I cannot connect a client machine to the Internet
through the smoothwall box. I can connect a client to the smoothwall box and
display the web interface for the box *but* I can't change any settings on
the box using the web interface eg. select ssh or shutdown - they just don't
work. I think something is broken on the smoothwall box but I don't know
where to start looking.

My other alternative is to reinstall with either v1 or v2. 

Any ideas?

Dave Williams

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