[Sderby] Jargon et al

Dave Coulson david.coulson6 at btopenworld.com
Tue Aug 10 17:27:29 BST 2004

I agree about the use of jargon and of course acronyms, both of which 
are sources of confusion. My wife is a proofreader and copy editor and 
adopts the practice specified by most sensible publishers. The procedure 
is to define all acronyms ONCE in the text fully, so that their meaning 
is clear.

My second point is that the history of Linux is bound up in personal 
development, so that people have to work to gain understanding. Most HOW 
-To's etc are written by specialists in their fields who assume that the 
readers knowledge is the same as theirs.
At least by defining acronyms, the write would point the beginner to the 
correct area from which to gain new knowledge.
Perhaps the time has come for a beginners series of HOW-To's to be written.
Any volunteers?

Cheers Dave Coulson

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