[Sderby] What Fun Linux is - 2

rogerw at csits.net rogerw at csits.net
Fri Aug 13 10:20:06 BST 2004

> I must deny responsibility for the amusing diversion into the intellectual
> debate on Acronyms versus Jargon.  I agree wholeheartedly with the many
> common sense comments, but return to my original point:
> That the installation sequence is not the place to discover unexplained
> jargon.
> Further, some people enjoy experimenting with new hardware/software (I do)
> and in the process discover many acronyms or jargon to be deciphered.  I
> agree that is part of the fun.  AFTER I have successfully completed the
> installation.  How, for example, can you search Google if your computer
> installation is not completed?
> I showed the replies to my University classmates.  The comment about
> muppets
> downloading pawn produced unexpected reactions.  The males all blushed and
> looked guilty.  The females asked me to tell you that they are well past
> the
> "downloading porn" stage and are now uploading it.
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The moral of this story is,  don't trash your PC without having another
with Internet connectivity ;-.

But I concur totally that a first time installation is no time to have to
unravel abbreviations/jargon/acronyms, OTOH [on the other hand ;-)], how
much effort would it be for somebody to put a glossary referenced by the
installation script / README on installation CD's

Linux is great fun IF you are prepared to get your hands dirty but cut
your teeth with something that breaks you in gently, like Knoppix....

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